Pray for Our Leaders
Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.
Proverbs 11:14
I have a saying that I share often that goes like this. I am not a smart guy, but I am smart enough to know that I am not the smartest guy in the room. I remind myself of this quite often because it keeps me in humble appreciation of the gift of others. The Apostle Paul illustrates this in 1 Cor. 12 where he talks about the church being comprised of different members like the human body. Each member, like the hand or eye or ear, has different functions but all contribute to the overall function of the body. The church is no different and we all depend on each other.
As you know, God is faithfully blessing and growing the body of Calvary Severance and with that growth we need to be mindful of how we can lead and care for not only our church, but how we can make Jesus non-ignorable in Severance and the ends of the earth. This means that we need more leaders that are called and equipped to do this well.
Over the past year we have been, and continue to invest in, challenge, and help some of our men to discern their calling as elders and deacons of Calvary Severance. We have looked deeply into the qualifications of scripture and the practical side of serving and leading. The current elders and deacons would like for you to join us in examining and encouraging these men and we ask that you consider their calling and affirming them as elders and deacons. We would like for you to consider Jon Holsten and Cody Brady as elders and Jeff Colwell, Tyler Benninghoven, and Jake Jacobson as deacons.
We believe that it is scriptural to have a church led by a plurality of elders and group of deacons. There is accountability and a drawing from the gifting of these men to shepherd and lead well in a way that Calvary Severance makes much of Jesus. We ask that you pray for these men and their families. We also ask that you connect personally with these men and their families and help discern their affirmation in these roles. We plan to present these men for affirmation mid November and ask that you, as members of Calvary Severance, commit to these men and their families as they commit to you.
I am excited about how the Lord is growing and blessing us as we strive to bless our community. We believe that these men will continue to be an asset in leadership as we grow as a body.
If you have any questions please feel free to connect with any of your elders or deacons.
Proverbs 11:14
I have a saying that I share often that goes like this. I am not a smart guy, but I am smart enough to know that I am not the smartest guy in the room. I remind myself of this quite often because it keeps me in humble appreciation of the gift of others. The Apostle Paul illustrates this in 1 Cor. 12 where he talks about the church being comprised of different members like the human body. Each member, like the hand or eye or ear, has different functions but all contribute to the overall function of the body. The church is no different and we all depend on each other.
As you know, God is faithfully blessing and growing the body of Calvary Severance and with that growth we need to be mindful of how we can lead and care for not only our church, but how we can make Jesus non-ignorable in Severance and the ends of the earth. This means that we need more leaders that are called and equipped to do this well.
Over the past year we have been, and continue to invest in, challenge, and help some of our men to discern their calling as elders and deacons of Calvary Severance. We have looked deeply into the qualifications of scripture and the practical side of serving and leading. The current elders and deacons would like for you to join us in examining and encouraging these men and we ask that you consider their calling and affirming them as elders and deacons. We would like for you to consider Jon Holsten and Cody Brady as elders and Jeff Colwell, Tyler Benninghoven, and Jake Jacobson as deacons.
We believe that it is scriptural to have a church led by a plurality of elders and group of deacons. There is accountability and a drawing from the gifting of these men to shepherd and lead well in a way that Calvary Severance makes much of Jesus. We ask that you pray for these men and their families. We also ask that you connect personally with these men and their families and help discern their affirmation in these roles. We plan to present these men for affirmation mid November and ask that you, as members of Calvary Severance, commit to these men and their families as they commit to you.
I am excited about how the Lord is growing and blessing us as we strive to bless our community. We believe that these men will continue to be an asset in leadership as we grow as a body.
If you have any questions please feel free to connect with any of your elders or deacons.
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