Come and See
He said to them, "Come and you will see." So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day, for it was about the tenth hour. John 1:39
When I was a kid my dad was a high school shop teacher who taught welding and small engine repair. I remember when he brought home go-carts that he made for my sisters and I. I thought it was so cool that my dad built these go-carts and I wanted to build something like that. I remember my dad asking if I wanted to go to his shop and learn how to build things. I didn’t know how to do anything but my dad took me along and I watched him and learned how. He was patient and encouraging.
Being a disciple of Jesus is really similar to that. It begins not with doing but being. Being with Jesus. When Jesus called his first disciples He simply invited them along to be with Him, watch Him, and learn to be like Him. We see this invitation in John 1:39 where Jesus invites Andrew to come and see and be with Jesus.
If you read just a few more verses in John we see where Andrew goes and gets his brother Peter. He tells Peter that they have found the Messiah and he brings Peter to Jesus. Andrew had only been with Jesus for a day but he knew Peter needed to meet Jesus.
Jesus didn’t expect the disciples to know everything or to have it all figured out. He simply invited them to come and be with Him. He did life with them and He showed them how to have compassion for others, how to love others, how to serve others, and most importantly, how deeply He loved them. He was patient with them and encouraging. It all began with a simple invitation to come and see. We are to follow Jesus in that as well.
So often I think we make things just a little too complicated. We are afraid to invite others along in following Jesus thinking we have to have it all figured out. Or we fear what they will think or what if they say no. The remedy for that is inviting them to figure it out with you. And if they are never invited then there is no opportunity to say yes.
Meeting Jesus was life-changing for the disciples and is life-changing for us. It all began for us because someone said come and see. I want to encourage you to invite someone to come and meet Jesus. Invite them to service this Sunday, or to Life Group, or to Bible study, or just to dinner and share Jesus with them. That invitation could be the invitation that changes their life forever. It is a simple invitation to come and be with Jesus with you.
When I was a kid my dad was a high school shop teacher who taught welding and small engine repair. I remember when he brought home go-carts that he made for my sisters and I. I thought it was so cool that my dad built these go-carts and I wanted to build something like that. I remember my dad asking if I wanted to go to his shop and learn how to build things. I didn’t know how to do anything but my dad took me along and I watched him and learned how. He was patient and encouraging.
Being a disciple of Jesus is really similar to that. It begins not with doing but being. Being with Jesus. When Jesus called his first disciples He simply invited them along to be with Him, watch Him, and learn to be like Him. We see this invitation in John 1:39 where Jesus invites Andrew to come and see and be with Jesus.
If you read just a few more verses in John we see where Andrew goes and gets his brother Peter. He tells Peter that they have found the Messiah and he brings Peter to Jesus. Andrew had only been with Jesus for a day but he knew Peter needed to meet Jesus.
Jesus didn’t expect the disciples to know everything or to have it all figured out. He simply invited them to come and be with Him. He did life with them and He showed them how to have compassion for others, how to love others, how to serve others, and most importantly, how deeply He loved them. He was patient with them and encouraging. It all began with a simple invitation to come and see. We are to follow Jesus in that as well.
So often I think we make things just a little too complicated. We are afraid to invite others along in following Jesus thinking we have to have it all figured out. Or we fear what they will think or what if they say no. The remedy for that is inviting them to figure it out with you. And if they are never invited then there is no opportunity to say yes.
Meeting Jesus was life-changing for the disciples and is life-changing for us. It all began for us because someone said come and see. I want to encourage you to invite someone to come and meet Jesus. Invite them to service this Sunday, or to Life Group, or to Bible study, or just to dinner and share Jesus with them. That invitation could be the invitation that changes their life forever. It is a simple invitation to come and be with Jesus with you.
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