God is Still at Work
As the Advent season continues, I’ve been consistently reminded of God sustaining and providing. I mean in Micah 5:2, God not only promised a Savior but was so specific that he gave the place where he would be born! Now that is a good promise keeper! Not only does he set the terms of the promise, but he fulfills it in a miraculous way! Jesus being born in a lowly manger in Bethlehem was only a glimpse into how our God keeps his promises.
Nowadays I feel like I often forget to look for God’s answers, yet he still provides them in incredible ways! As Gracie and I entered the church planting process about a year ago we joined a Facebook group and the first post we saw was people asking for a local church to attend, I was astonished to see how quickly people were sharing churches in the area but more surprised to see all of these recommendations where for churches 30-40 minutes away from the community! This was God confirming our call by showing so clearly that local churches are needed to engage that community.
There are other stories as well from coffee shops, another pastor in the area, to even the house that we are hoping to be able to move into early next year! God is still at work and we get to come along and watch him fulfill promise after promise, prayer after prayer, and it is all for his glory and our good!
Nowadays I feel like I often forget to look for God’s answers, yet he still provides them in incredible ways! As Gracie and I entered the church planting process about a year ago we joined a Facebook group and the first post we saw was people asking for a local church to attend, I was astonished to see how quickly people were sharing churches in the area but more surprised to see all of these recommendations where for churches 30-40 minutes away from the community! This was God confirming our call by showing so clearly that local churches are needed to engage that community.
There are other stories as well from coffee shops, another pastor in the area, to even the house that we are hoping to be able to move into early next year! God is still at work and we get to come along and watch him fulfill promise after promise, prayer after prayer, and it is all for his glory and our good!
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