The Heartbeat of the Church

I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD!"  
Psalms 122:1

You guys know that I love our church and I pray that you love our church too. I want to do something a little different this week. I want to just share some things that would maybe help us see and savor the gift that is our church.
Last week was our VBS and is one of the largest outreach opportunities we have. We had 167 kids who attended and heard the Gospel for three days. Only about 40 of those kids were our church kids. The Good News of the Gospel was planted in over 120 little lives that are not affiliated with our church. We also had about 60 volunteers that helped out. Thank you for working together for the sake of God’s Kingdom.

Our land team has been working extremely hard to move along with our review by the County to get the approval for us to use our property as a church in the future. We still have a ways to go but they have all of the information that they requested and we should have an answer soon. We still have to do some major construction upgrades to be given approval for occupancy and we will be pursuing that as soon as we can. This will take a lot of work and more funding and I ask you to consider how you may continue to give so that we can have a space for us to leverage in our community for the sake of the Gospel. I love how Jeff Colwell reminded us Sunday that the High School is only temporary and let's keep that in mind. Our goal is to be in our building within a year.
We also are a church that prioritizes multiplication. We are a church that sees a great need for healthy, Gospel proclaiming churches in other communities and is why we are pursuing planting Calvary 85 in the Ault Eaton area. Jaime and Gracie Rodriguez officially started their residency with us on July the 1st and hope to plant in a year and a half. Let's encourage and pray for them. Also, be praying about being an integral part of that amazing opportunity.

I know we are in the dog days of summer but summer is also an opportunity to connect with others in our community. Although our Life Groups are not meeting officially this month, there are opportunities to connect with others. On July 12, the Town of Severance will host a concert in the park. We will be set up to give out popcorn, snow cones, water and some activities for kids. This is an easy way for you to meet people in our community and share about how God is at work in our church and community and invite them to join us. It is really that easy. Connect with your life group to come and be a part.
Although we are only halfway through the year we are already looking to next year. As we grow our needs are growing as well. We are considering growing our staff next year to help out with some of the new responsibilities so that we can serve and do ministry in a way that serves our people and honors The Lord. Our hope is to add a staff member who fills an associate role to focus on discipleship and evangelism in all of our ministry areas. Let's pray together for God’s direction on this.

I heard a pastor friend say that EVERY person comes to the church gathering with struggles and challenges. Some are greater than others. Our study through 1 Corinthians has been a convicting one for me and I know it has been for others as well but it is good when God’s Word opens our eyes, ears, and hearts to His good truth. This is where the church should be the community of brothers and sisters God has designed it to be. Let us pray for and encourage one another. Let us press into the awkward and grow together and we grow in Christ. This means being intentional in our personal relationships and not being surface-level.
I love how the psalmist puts it in Psalm 122:1 I was glad when they said to me “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” I love our church because God is at work through people who don’t quite have it all together. But together we are better. Pray for one another. Pray for our community and pray for our own imperfect hearts to continue to be who God has called us to be.
I really do love our church and that means I love you!

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