Committing To Know Him More
Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act. -Psalms 37:3-5
When I was a kid I had a good friend that could skateboard really well. When I would hang out with him, I would always try and skate on his board but would make it about three feet and fall. He made it look so easy doing tricks and I couldn’t go straight down the sidewalk. The difference was he skated all the time and I only skated, or attempted to skate, when I was with him. Not to mention, I didn’t even own a skateboard. He was committed to skating and, well, I was really only interested in it when I was with my friend. I wasn’t really that committed to skateboarding because I never bought a skateboard and never spent the hours it took to learn and because of that I still cannot ride a skateboard.
I have seen similarities in learning to skate and my spiritual walk with the Lord. I really desire to grow in my relationship with Him and experience the fullness of joy He has for me, but sometimes I am just unwilling to commit to what that takes. Psalm 37 is such a great reminder for us to pursue that growing relationship with Him and He tells us some amazing truths when we do.
The psalmist says we are to trust in Him and befriend faithfulness. This means that we have to understand that the Lord desires what is best for us and we have to be faithful to that trust, not becoming complacent in it. To befriend faithfulness means that we always have it near and is a default for us.
He then says, we are to delight and commit to the Lord. To delight means to take pleasure in and embrace it to the fullest. To commit means that seeking the Lord is a daily priority. It means that we desire to explore all that He is and all that He has for us in all of His goodness. And here is the amazing part: he says when we trust in Him, delight in Him and commit to Him, He will act and give us the desires of our heart. The interesting thing is when we trust, delight and commit to Him, the desires of our heart change into the things that have always been God’s heart. And God’s heart is always good.
Here is what this looks like practically. Committing to spend time with Him daily in His Word, prayer and worship. Reading books that pertain to growing your faith. Our resource center has a lot of free ones. Listen to podcasts and sermons. Invest in Christian community. Find ways to serve. Give sacrificially. All of this takes some work and commitment, but it is worth it because over time you will experience the goodness and kindness of the Lord in ways you may be missing out on now.
I really don’t regret not committing to learn to skate because the truth is I probably don’t have the coordination to do it and would wind up with a lot of bruises and broken bones. However, the promise God makes us when we commit to knowing Him is certain. He says He WILL act. That is a lot better than skateboarding anyway.
Pastor Josh
When I was a kid I had a good friend that could skateboard really well. When I would hang out with him, I would always try and skate on his board but would make it about three feet and fall. He made it look so easy doing tricks and I couldn’t go straight down the sidewalk. The difference was he skated all the time and I only skated, or attempted to skate, when I was with him. Not to mention, I didn’t even own a skateboard. He was committed to skating and, well, I was really only interested in it when I was with my friend. I wasn’t really that committed to skateboarding because I never bought a skateboard and never spent the hours it took to learn and because of that I still cannot ride a skateboard.
I have seen similarities in learning to skate and my spiritual walk with the Lord. I really desire to grow in my relationship with Him and experience the fullness of joy He has for me, but sometimes I am just unwilling to commit to what that takes. Psalm 37 is such a great reminder for us to pursue that growing relationship with Him and He tells us some amazing truths when we do.
The psalmist says we are to trust in Him and befriend faithfulness. This means that we have to understand that the Lord desires what is best for us and we have to be faithful to that trust, not becoming complacent in it. To befriend faithfulness means that we always have it near and is a default for us.
He then says, we are to delight and commit to the Lord. To delight means to take pleasure in and embrace it to the fullest. To commit means that seeking the Lord is a daily priority. It means that we desire to explore all that He is and all that He has for us in all of His goodness. And here is the amazing part: he says when we trust in Him, delight in Him and commit to Him, He will act and give us the desires of our heart. The interesting thing is when we trust, delight and commit to Him, the desires of our heart change into the things that have always been God’s heart. And God’s heart is always good.
Here is what this looks like practically. Committing to spend time with Him daily in His Word, prayer and worship. Reading books that pertain to growing your faith. Our resource center has a lot of free ones. Listen to podcasts and sermons. Invest in Christian community. Find ways to serve. Give sacrificially. All of this takes some work and commitment, but it is worth it because over time you will experience the goodness and kindness of the Lord in ways you may be missing out on now.
I really don’t regret not committing to learn to skate because the truth is I probably don’t have the coordination to do it and would wind up with a lot of bruises and broken bones. However, the promise God makes us when we commit to knowing Him is certain. He says He WILL act. That is a lot better than skateboarding anyway.
Pastor Josh
Posted in Josh Green
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