Developing Flexibility

The heart of man plans his way but the Lord establishes his steps. - Proverbs 16:9 

I don’t know about you but I like consistency, control, and schedules, but this past week was not any of that. As many of you know our church sent four people from our congregation to serve at a mission center in Houston called Godspoint. I asked the team in our debrief on Saturday what was one word that they could use to describe our trip and then in unison, we all said “flexibility”.  It was a joy to be there and be a part of something bigger than we can imagine, but getting there was a lot more difficult than we thought it would be.

Houston was hit with a hurricane last Sunday-Monday and we were on the verge of cancelling the trip altogether because there were no flights to Houston. Our flight Monday morning… canceled…Monday evening… canceled as we were walking into the airport, the next available flight would be on Wednesday to Austin at 5 am (a flight plus a 3-hour drive) but as the team was driving back home Monday evening, we agreed that if there was a way we should still go.

That drive up from the airport was stressful, I made 18 separate phone calls within two hours just to figure out the next steps knowing that we were also one canceled flight from canceling the trip altogether. But instead of spiraling in frustration, we decided to pray for Houston, for us going, and for the trip, knowing that God’s will be done and whatever God had prepared and planned for us would be good, because he is faithful.

However, that wasn’t the end of the flexibility train, the van we were supposed to use had a tree fall on it during the hurricane, but they were able to find a different van for us to use (actually two but that's another story). They were supposed to do a Tuesday night outreach that got canceled because there was no power in the apartment complex, and it was rescheduled for Thursday so we were able to be a part of it.

Our host Marshall shared this comment on Wednesday night at the program night, “God does not come to us because of what we can offer Him, he comes to us because of who He is.” This really got me thinking of how faithful God has been not only this last week but everyday. It is really easy to see what is not happening, but how much better is it to take a step back to see what God is doing?

So here is a quick word of encouragement, if things aren’t going the way that you think they should be, take a step back, pray, and trust God to deliver his ways. He works in ways we do not understand and that brings me comfort to trust in a God who gives more than we can ever ask for in ways we could never explain.

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