Here For the Ride
“The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”
Proverbs 16:9
This year is a big year for the Rodriguez Household. Changing houses, careers, family size, and laying the foundation for Calvary 85. It is really common to trust God with our eternity while not trusting Him with today. Throughout this church planting journey, we have seen God answer prayer after prayer, but I need to be reminded that this is all happening on God’s timeline, not mine.
A phrase that has been recurring over the past year in our household, is “that God is already at work, and we are just here for the ride.” It is easy to try to take ownership of all the things that God is doing, but He deserves the credit, not us. So why is it so difficult to give credit where it is due?
The answer is simple, we want the glory! We want to take credit for all the good things while casting blame on someone or something for all the bad. We think that we deserve everything that we ever want, rather than trusting God for everything that we need. We often care more about worldly comforts than eternal life. It is our natural mindset to set our eyes on the world rather than the things above. So what do we do?
Trust God to be faithful, trust God to provide, and trust that God’s plan is greater than yours. We know that He is at work, and we know that He has called us to pursue Him passionately. Just remember this, God is at work, we may not see what He is doing, and most of the time we do not understand what He is doing, but we do know it is always for our good and His glory.
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