More is Caught Than Taught

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 13:34-35

Early in my Christian walk, I was mentored by a dear brother in Christ that I served closely with in the youth ministry. When came the time for me to partake in the weekly teachings he would constantly remind me that “more is caught than taught.” It took a while but I think I finally know what he meant by that. Many know my wife and I are avid bow hunters and archery enthusiasts. Just like any parent who is passionate about something, I want to share that passion with my kids. So, when our daughter turned two I got her a toy suction cup bow and arrow set. Some might say that she would have no idea what to do with it, but my girl picked up the bow, kind of sort of nocked an arrow, pulled the string across her little body, and shot. Now, the arrow didn’t go anywhere and the bow was upside down, nonetheless, she knew what that toy was supposed to do. She knew because she had been at the range with my wife and I. She watched us nock our arrows, pull back on the string, and send the arrows down range. I didn’t have to tell her anything. She learned all of this from just watching. More is caught than taught.

Jesus tells his disciples after Judas Iscariot left to betray him, they are to love each other as he has loved them. He is saying that we (the church) are to love each other (the church) like he has loved us. What I find interesting here is that Jesus doesn’t go into a three-hour, seven-point lecture on how we are to love others in the church the way he loved us. They didn’t need one, they had witnessed his love for them. Jesus sought them when they were far away (John 1:43.) Jesus served them (John 13:1-20.) He tells them how He will restore them when they have fallen back into sin (Luke 22:31-32.) This is how Jesus loved them, He sought them, He served them, and they knew He would restore them if they backslid. We are to do the same in the church. We are to show love by pursuing each other as a church. We do this in two ways, one we seek those who are still dead in sin among us so that they might receive the grace of the Gospel. Two, we are to seek those who are in need of discipleship, and we all need discipleship no matter how long we have walked with Christ. Jesus humbled Himself to step from His throne and serve His creation, we, as His church, should be ready to constantly outdo one another in service and love (Romans 12:10.) Finally, we are to show love by restoring those who have fallen into sin (Galatians 6:1-3.) Some of us may think that we don’t know Christ’s love in this way because He hasn’t washed our feet or asked us if we love Him three times to restore us like Peter. Believe me, you have witnessed His faithful love. He pursued you while you were enthralled with sin. Jesus washed you clean with His blood. He has given you The Spirit to convict, comfort, and lead you to repentance. Christian, you have seen Jesus’ love for you, so love your brothers and sisters in Christ as He first loved you. Not only does the church know Jesus’ love by seeing it displayed for us, but Jesus also says that by this love, the outside world looking in will know that we are His disciples. It won't be by our debates, political stances, or lectures that people will know that we are members of the Body of Christ. It will be when they see us love each other the way Jesus first loved us. More is caught than taught.

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