God is Faithful
Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.
Proverbs 3:3-4
Six years ago last Sunday, we gathered for our first preview service as a church in Severance Middle School. At the time, there were maybe 100 people that would gather every Sunday for worship. We were learning how to be a church in our community and in some aspects we still are. As I look back over the past 5 years, I am amazed at God’s faithfulness. He has kept us and provided for us as a church and enabled us to be a light in our community. Not too long ago, there was this thing called Covid that many churches did not recover from; yet, during that time we grew. When we couldn't gather at the middle school, we were able to gather in the park each week to sing, pray, and study God’s Word. When you think about it, it was God on display to our community. We have certainly grown and not just numerically. We have had over 70 baptisms in the past 5 years, 9 life groups meet weekly, a growing student ministry, mens and women’s weekly Bible studies, and an amazing kids ministry. We are looking to affirm new elders and deacons soon. We also have aspirations of planting a church in Eaton in the future. All of these are marks of God’s faithfulness because none of this was a reality 5 years ago.
I believe that we are quickly approaching a crossroad. God has once again provided an opportunity for us to make Jesus non-ignorable here in Severance through the purchase of property and a building so that we can have a permanent Gospel footprint in Severance. This will better enable us to reach our community with the Gospel. In order to do so, we as a church need to commit to the Lord for His glory and the good of His people.
Over the past 5 years, we have had faithful partners, other churches and individuals, that have supported Calvary Severance because they believe in the mission of Calvary Severance. Much of the funds we have saved for the purchase of a permanent home are from these faithful partners outside of our church body. However, these gifts are not enough. We currently have a significant shortfall and the deadline is rapidly approaching.
I firmly believe that God is building His church here in Severance. I believe that it is not by mistake that you are part of this church. I also believe that God has provided and equipped His people in our church to meet the needs that we have. I also believe that God is calling us to bold faithfulness. The question is how will we respond? Do we believe God when He says trust me and live open handed? Do we believe God when He says He loves a cheerful giver? Do we believe that the Gospel is such good news that it is worth giving sacrificially to have a church in our community that makes Jesus non-ignorable.
Our sacrifices to the Lord pale in comparison to what He has sacrificed for us. I ask that you consider how God has been faithful to you and then consider how you can be faithful to Him.
Proverbs 3:3-4
Six years ago last Sunday, we gathered for our first preview service as a church in Severance Middle School. At the time, there were maybe 100 people that would gather every Sunday for worship. We were learning how to be a church in our community and in some aspects we still are. As I look back over the past 5 years, I am amazed at God’s faithfulness. He has kept us and provided for us as a church and enabled us to be a light in our community. Not too long ago, there was this thing called Covid that many churches did not recover from; yet, during that time we grew. When we couldn't gather at the middle school, we were able to gather in the park each week to sing, pray, and study God’s Word. When you think about it, it was God on display to our community. We have certainly grown and not just numerically. We have had over 70 baptisms in the past 5 years, 9 life groups meet weekly, a growing student ministry, mens and women’s weekly Bible studies, and an amazing kids ministry. We are looking to affirm new elders and deacons soon. We also have aspirations of planting a church in Eaton in the future. All of these are marks of God’s faithfulness because none of this was a reality 5 years ago.
I believe that we are quickly approaching a crossroad. God has once again provided an opportunity for us to make Jesus non-ignorable here in Severance through the purchase of property and a building so that we can have a permanent Gospel footprint in Severance. This will better enable us to reach our community with the Gospel. In order to do so, we as a church need to commit to the Lord for His glory and the good of His people.
Over the past 5 years, we have had faithful partners, other churches and individuals, that have supported Calvary Severance because they believe in the mission of Calvary Severance. Much of the funds we have saved for the purchase of a permanent home are from these faithful partners outside of our church body. However, these gifts are not enough. We currently have a significant shortfall and the deadline is rapidly approaching.
I firmly believe that God is building His church here in Severance. I believe that it is not by mistake that you are part of this church. I also believe that God has provided and equipped His people in our church to meet the needs that we have. I also believe that God is calling us to bold faithfulness. The question is how will we respond? Do we believe God when He says trust me and live open handed? Do we believe God when He says He loves a cheerful giver? Do we believe that the Gospel is such good news that it is worth giving sacrificially to have a church in our community that makes Jesus non-ignorable.
Our sacrifices to the Lord pale in comparison to what He has sacrificed for us. I ask that you consider how God has been faithful to you and then consider how you can be faithful to Him.
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